DUI's, domestic violence, assault and battery, drugs, and many more
Recognized as a top Orange County criminal defense attorney
Attorney Le’s extensive track record of success speaks for itself. She’s a recognized and respected attorney who will fight aggressively to defend your rights.
With over 25 years of legal experience

Criminal defense legal services we offer
Ms. Jennifer Le leverages her unique experience as a former prosecutor under Orange County District Attorney Tony Rackauckas to build winning defenses for her clients.
- Scroll below to filter the legal service you need
Forgery Defense Attorney
A forgery accusation can be stressful and confusing. If you’re charged with forgery in Orange County or surrounding areas, The Law Offices of Jennifer Le can provide the experienced and aggressive defense you need.
Contact Jennifer regarding your legal case
- General Keywords: Altered document, Counterfeiting, Document forgery, Fake, Falsification, Forgery, Fraud, Imitation, Signature forgery
- Legal Terms: Criminal Possession of a Forged Instrument, Forgery in the First Degree, Forgery in the Second Degree, Fraudulent Intent, Uttering a Forged Instrument, White-collar Crime
Failure to Register Defense Attorney
Have you been accused of failing to register as a sex offender in Orange County or a surrounding area? This can be a stressful and confusing situation.
Contact Jennifer regarding your legal case
- General Keywords: Failure to Register, Megan's Law, Non-compliance with registration, Penal Code 290, Registered sex offender, Registration violation, Sex offender registration, SORNA
- Legal Terms: Defenses to Failure to Register, Felony Failure to Register, Misdemeanor Failure to Register, Penalties For Failure to Register, Registration Requirements, Sex Offender Registry
Fraud Crimes Defense Attorney
Fraud charges can be incredibly stressful, jeopardizing your reputation and future. If you’re facing fraud accusations in Orange County or surrounding areas, don’t navigate this alone.
Contact Jennifer regarding your legal case
- General Keywords: Con, Counterfeiting, Deception, Dishonesty, Embezzlement, False impersonation, False pretenses, Forgery, Fraud, Fraud Crimes, Identity Theft, Misrepresentation, Perjury, Scam, Scheme
- Legal Terms: Bank Fraud, Conspiracy to Defraud, Credit Card Fraud, Embezzlement, Forgery, Healthcare Fraud, Identity Theft, Insurance Fraud, Mail Fraud, Material Fact, Scheme to Defraud, Securities Fraud, Tax Fraud, Wire Fraud
Felony Defense Attorney
A felony accusation can be incredibly stressful and have life-altering consequences. If you’re facing felony charges in Orange County or surrounding areas, The Law Offices of Jennifer Le is here to help.
Contact Jennifer regarding your legal case
- General Keywords: Felonies, Felony, Felony arrest, Felony attorney, Felony charge, Felony conviction, Felony defense, Felony lawyer, Felony penalties, Felony sentencing, Indictable offense, Serious crime
- Legal Terms: Drug Crimes, Property Crimes, Violent Crimes
Federal Crimes Defense Attorney
Being charged with a federal crime in Orange County or surrounding areas can be incredibly stressful. Federal laws and procedures are complex, and the potential consequences of a conviction are severe.
Contact Jennifer regarding your legal case
- General Keywords: ATF investigation, DEA investigation, FBI investigation, Federal court, Federal crime, Federal Crimes, Federal defender, Federal jurisdiction, Federal law enforcement, Federal offense, Federal prosecutor, Federal sentencing guidelines, Homeland Security investigation, U.S. Attorney, U.S. Code
- Legal Terms: Bribery, Counterfeiting, Cybercrime, Drug Crimes, Environmental Crimes, Extortion, Forgery, Immigration Crimes, Obstruction of Justice, Perjury, Violent Crimes, White-collar Crime
Embezzlement Defense Attorney
Embezzlement is a serious white-collar crime that can have devastating consequences. If you’ve been accused of embezzlement in Orange County or surrounding areas, The Law Offices of Jennifer Le can provide the experienced and aggressive defense you need.
Contact Jennifer regarding your legal case
- General Keywords: Breach of trust, Embezzlement, Employee fraud, Financial fraud, Misappropriation of funds, Theft by employee, White-collar crime
- Legal Terms: Criminal Breach of Trust, False Pretenses, Fraudulent Conversion, Grand Theft, Larceny
Exploitation Defense Attorney
Are you facing accusations of exploitation in Orange County or surrounding areas? Being charged with a crime of this nature can be overwhelming and frightening.
Contact Jennifer regarding your legal case
- General Keywords: Abuse of power, Coercion, Exploitation, Manipulation, Misuse, Oppression, Profiting unfairly, Taking advantage, Unfair treatment, Using someone, Victimization, Vulnerability
- Legal Terms: Environmental Exploitation, Financial Exploitation, Labor Exploitation, Sexual Exploitation
Date Rape Defense Attorney
Date rape is a serious crime that can have lasting consequences. If you have been accused of date rape in Orange County or a neighboring city, it is crucial to seek legal representation immediately.
Contact Jennifer regarding your legal case
- General Keywords: Consent, Date Rape, Rape, Sexual assault
- Legal Terms: Acquaintance Rape, Drug-facilitated Sexual Assault, Predatory Drugs
DUI Defense Attorney
A DUI arrest can be a stressful and confusing experience. You may be unsure of your rights and facing serious consequences, including license suspension, fines, and even jail time.
Contact Jennifer regarding your legal case
- General Keywords: Blood alcohol content (BAC), Breathalyzer, Drunk driving, DUI (Driving Under the Influence), DUI arrest, DUI charge, DUI conviction, DUI laws, DUI penalties, DWI (Driving While Intoxicated), Field sobriety test, Impaired driving, Implied consent, OVI (Operating a Vehicle Impaired)
- Legal Terms: Administrative License Suspension (ALS), DUI Attorney, DUI Defense, DUI Lawyer, Field Sobriety Test (FST), Ignition Interlock Device (IID), Nystagmus, Plea Bargain, Preliminary Alcohol Screening (PAS) Test, Standardized Field Sobriety Test (SFST)
Drug Possession Defense Attorney
Are you facing drug possession charges in Orange County or a neighboring city? This can be a stressful and confusing time. The Law Offices of Jennifer Le can help.
Contact Jennifer regarding your legal case
- General Keywords: Drug arrest, Drug charges, Drug crime, Drug Possession, Illegal drug possession, Narcotics possession, Possession of a controlled substance
- Legal Terms: Actual Possession, Constructive Possession, Drug Paraphernalia, Drug Trafficking, Felony Drug Charges, Misdemeanor Drug Charges, Possession With Intent to Distribute, Simple Possession
Drug Offenses Defense Attorney
Are you or someone you know facing drug charges in Orange County or surrounding areas? Being accused of a drug offense can be a frightening and stressful experience.
Contact Jennifer regarding your legal case
- General Keywords: Controlled substances, Drug abuse, Drug addiction, Drug arrest, Drug charges, Drug crime, Drug distribution, Drug manufacturing, Drug paraphernalia, Drug Possession, Drug trafficking, Illegal drugs, Narcotics
- Legal Terms: Drug Conspiracy, Drug Court, Drug Cultivation, Drug Diversion Programs, Drug Paraphernalia Charges, Possession With Intent to Distribute, Sentencing Guidelines for Drug Offenses
Domestic Violence Defense Attorney
Domestic violence accusations can be incredibly stressful and confusing. If you are facing charges of domestic violence in Orange County or a neighboring city, it’s crucial to understand your rights and have a strong legal defense on your side.
Contact Jennifer regarding your legal case
- General Keywords: Domestic abuse, Domestic Violence, Family violence, Gender-based violence, Intimate partner violence (IPV), Partner abuse, Spousal abuse, Violence against women
- Legal Terms: Assault and Battery, Criminal Harassment, Domestic Violence Restraining Order (DVRO), No-contact Order, Order of Protection, Peace Bond, Protective Order, Restraining Order, Sexual Assault Charges, Stalking Charges, Violation of a Protective Order
Counterfeiting Defense Attorney
Are you facing accusations of counterfeiting in Orange County or a surrounding city? Counterfeiting is a serious offense with potentially life-altering consequences.
Contact Jennifer regarding your legal case
- General Keywords: Bogus, Counterfeit, Fake, Forgery, Fraudulent, Imitation, Knock-off, Phony, Replica, Spurious
- Legal Terms: Anti-counterfeiting, Brand Protection, Copyright Infringement, Illicit Trade, Intellectual Property Theft, Passing Off, Trademark Infringement
Credit Card Fraud Defense Attorney
Are you facing accusations of credit card fraud in Orange County or a neighboring city? These charges can be incredibly stressful, with serious consequences.
Contact Jennifer regarding your legal case
- General Keywords: Account takeover, Card fraud, Chargeback, Credit Card Fraud, Data breach, Fraudulent charges, Identity Theft, Payment fraud, Phishing, Skimming, Unauthorized charges
- Legal Terms: Electronic Fund Transfer Act (EFTA), Fair Credit Billing Act (FCBA), Fraudulent Use Of a Credit Card, Identity Theft Laws
Criminal Process Federal Defense Attorney
If you’ve been arrested on federal charges in Orange County or any neighboring city, you need a lawyer who understands the complexities of the federal legal system.
Contact Jennifer regarding your legal case
- General Keywords: Appeal, Arraignment, Department of Justice (DOJ), Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), Federal courts, Federal criminal law, Federal criminal procedure, Federal defender, Federal Rules of Criminal Procedure, Grand jury, Indictment, Plea bargain, Sentencing, Trial, U.S. Attorney's Office, U.S. Code
- Legal Terms: Cybercrime, Federal Drug Crimes, Firearms Offenses, Immigration Offenses, Mail Fraud, Money Laundering, Securities Fraud, Tax Evasion, Terrorism, White-collar Crime, Wire Fraud
Burglary Defense Attorney
Are you facing burglary charges in Orange County or a neighboring city? This can be a stressful and confusing situation.
Contact Jennifer regarding your legal case
- General Keywords: Breaking and entering, Burglary, Home invasion, Property crime, Robbery, Theft, Trespassing, Unlawful entry
- Legal Terms: Aggravated Burglary, Burglary Tools, Criminal Trespass, Degrees of Burglary, Felony Burglary, First-Degree, Intent to Commit Burglary, Misdemeanor Burglary, Second-degree, Unlawful Entry With Intent
Identity Theft Defense Attorney
Have you become a victim of identity theft in Orange County or surrounding areas? This crime can have devastating consequences, damaging your credit score, finances, and peace of mind.
Contact Jennifer regarding your legal case
- General Keywords: Account takeover, Bank Fraud, Child identity theft, Credit Card Fraud, Data breach, Identity fraud, Identity Theft, Malware, Medical identity theft, Pharming, Phishing, Ransomware, Smishing (SMS phishing), Social engineering, Spoofing, Spyware, Stolen identity, Synthetic identity theft, Tax identity theft, Vishing (voice phishing)
- Legal Terms: Biometrics, Cybersecurity, Data Security, Personally Identifiable Information (PII), Privacy
Investment Fraud Defense Attorney
Being accused of investment fraud is a serious matter that can have devastating consequences. If you’re facing such allegations in Orange County or surrounding areas, The Law Offices of Jennifer Le can provide the experienced and aggressive defense you need.
Contact Jennifer regarding your legal case
- General Keywords: 401(k) fraud, Advance fee fraud, Affinity fraud, Boiler room scam, Churning, Financial fraud, Insider trading, Investment Fraud, Investment scam, Investor fraud, IRA fraud, Market manipulation, Misrepresentation, Pension fraud, Ponzi scheme, Prime bank fraud, Pump and dump, Pyramid scheme, Securities fraud, Stock fraud, Unauthorized trading
- Legal Terms: Advance Fee Scheme, Binary Options Scam, Cryptocurrency Scam, Forex Scam, High-yield Investment Program (HYIP), Offshore Investment Scam, Ponzi Scheme, Prime Bank Scheme, Pyramid Scheme
Insurance Fraud Defense Attorney
Being accused of insurance fraud in Orange County or surrounding areas can be stressful and confusing. These charges can have serious consequences, including jail time, fines, and a damaged reputation.
Contact Jennifer regarding your legal case
- General Keywords: Defrauding insurance companies, False insurance claims, Fraudulent claims, Insurance Fraud, Insurance fraud investigation, Insurance fraud penalties, Insurance scam, Reporting insurance fraud
- Legal Terms: Concealment, Fraudulent Insurance Act, Insurance Fraud Attorney, Insurance Fraud Lawyer, Intent to Deceive, Material Fact, Misrepresentation
Money Laundering Defense Attorney
Money laundering accusations can be incredibly stressful and complex. If you’re under investigation or facing charges in Orange County or surrounding areas, The Law Offices of Jennifer Le can help.
Contact Jennifer regarding your legal case
- General Keywords: Anti-money laundering (AML), Asset forfeiture, Corruption, Currency transaction report (CTR), Due diligence, Financial crime, Fraud, Illicit finance, Know your customer (KYC), Money Laundering, Politically exposed person (PEP), Proceeds of crime, Suspicious activity report (SAR), Terrorist financing
- Legal Terms: Audit, Bank Secrecy Act (BSA), Compliance, Financial Action Task Force (FATF), Investigation, Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC), Prosecution, Sanctions, USA PATRIOT Act
Murder / Manslaughter Defense Attorney
Being accused of murder or manslaughter in Orange County or surrounding areas is an incredibly stressful and frightening experience.
Contact Jennifer regarding your legal case
- General Keywords: Culpable homicide, Death investigation, Homicide, Unlawful killing, Wrongful death
- Legal Terms: Aggravated murder (murder with special circumstances), Capital Murder, Criminally Negligent Homicide, Felony Murder, First-degree Murder, Heat of Passion, Involuntary Manslaughter, Malice Aforethought, Premeditated Murder, Provocation, Second-degree Murder, Vehicular Manslaughter, Voluntary Manslaughter
Mail Fraud / Wire Fraud Defense Attorney
Are you under investigation or facing charges for mail fraud or wire fraud in Orange County or surrounding areas? These accusations can be incredibly stressful and have serious consequences.
Contact Jennifer regarding your legal case
- General Keywords: Cybercrime, Cybersecurity, Embezzlement, False pretenses, Federal fraud, Fraudulent activity, Identity Theft, Internet fraud, Mail Fraud, Misrepresentation, Phishing, Scheme to defraud, Spam, White-collar crime, Wire Fraud
- Legal Terms: 18 U.S. Code § 1341 (mail fraud statute), 18 U.S. Code § 1343 (wire fraud statute), Defense Attorney, Forfeiture, Grand Jury, Indictment, Prosecution, Restitution, Sentencing Guidelines
Lewd Conduct Defense Attorney
A Lewd Conduct charge can be a stressful and embarrassing experience. If you have been accused of Lewd Conduct in Orange County or surrounding areas, The Law Offices of Jennifer Le can provide the experienced and aggressive defense you need.
Contact Jennifer regarding your legal case
- General Keywords: Disorderly conduct, Indecent Exposure, Lascivious conduct, Lewd Conduct, Public indecency, Sexual misconduct
- Legal Terms: California Penal Code 647(a), Misdemeanor, Sentencing Enhancements, Sex Offender Registration
Loan Fraud Defense Attorney
Being accused of loan fraud can be incredibly stressful. These charges can have serious consequences, impacting your finances, reputation, and even your freedom.
Contact Jennifer regarding your legal case
- General Keywords: Asset fraud, Debt fraud, Employment fraud, Fabricated assets, False documentation, False loan application, Financial fraud, Forgery, Fraud for profit, Fraudulent loan application, Identity Theft, Income fraud, Inflated income, Loan application fraud, Loan Fraud, Misrepresentation on loan application, Mortgage fraud, Nominee borrower, Occupancy fraud, Predatory lending, Straw buyer, Undisclosed debt
- Legal Terms: Bank Fraud, False Claims Act, Financial Crime, Fraud Investigation, Mail Fraud, White-collar Crime, Wire Fraud
Kidnapping Defense Attorney
A kidnapping accusation is one of the most serious charges a person can face. If you are facing such allegations in Orange County or surrounding areas, it’s critical to seek experienced legal representation immediately.
Contact Jennifer regarding your legal case
- General Keywords: Abduction, Child abduction, False imprisonment, Hostage-taking, Kidnapping, Parental kidnapping, Ransom, Unlawful detention
- Legal Terms: Aggravated Kidnapping, Custodial Interference, Deprivation of Liberty, Interference With Custody, Kidnapping For Ransom, Simple Kidnapping
White Collar Crimes Defense Attorney
Are you or someone you know under investigation or facing charges for a white-collar crime in Orange County or surrounding areas? White-collar crimes can be complex and carry serious consequences.
Contact Jennifer regarding your legal case
- General Keywords: Business crime, Corporate crime, Economic crime, Financial crime, White-collar crime
- Legal Terms: Bank Fraud, Credit Card Fraud, Healthcare Fraud, Insurance Fraud, Mail Fraud, Securities Fraud, Tax Fraud, Wire Fraud
Weapons Charges Defense Attorney
Being charged with a weapons offense in Orange County or surrounding areas can be stressful and confusing. These charges can range from misdemeanors to felonies, with potentially severe consequences.
Contact Jennifer regarding your legal case
- General Keywords: Assault with a deadly weapon, Brandishing a weapon, Carrying a concealed weapon, Firearms offenses, Gun charges, Gun control laws, Illegal possession of a weapon, Weapons Charges, Weapons trafficking
- Legal Terms: Enhanced Penalties, Felony Weapons Charges, Gun Rights, Minimum Sentencing, Misdemeanor Weapons Charges, Second Amendment, Weapons Prohibitions
Vehicular Manslaughter Defense Attorney
An accusation of vehicular manslaughter can be devastating. You’re likely experiencing a mix of grief, confusion, and fear about the legal consequences.
Contact Jennifer regarding your legal case
- General Keywords: Causing death by driving, Fatal car accident, Traffic fatality, Vehicular homicide, Vehicular Manslaughter, Wrongful death (in civil cases)
- Legal Terms: Criminal Negligence, DUI Manslaughter, Felony DUI, Gross Negligence, Hit and Run, Negligent Homicide, Penal Code 192(c) (California), Reckless Driving, Sentencing Guidelines
Third Strike Cases Defense Attorney
Facing Third Strike charges in Orange County or nearby areas can be incredibly stressful. California’s Three Strikes Law imposes harsh penalties for repeat felony offenders, and a conviction could mean spending the rest of your life behind bars.
Contact Jennifer regarding your legal case
- General Keywords: 25 years to life, California Penal Code 667, Felony conviction, Habitual offender, Life sentence, Penal Code 1170.12, Prior conviction, Recidivism, Repeat offender, Sentencing enhancement, Strike prior, Third Strike law, Three Strikes law
- Legal Terms: Arson, Assault With a Deadly Weapon, Burglary, Child Molestation, Drug Offenses, Kidnapping, Murder, Rape, Robbery, Serious Felony, Violent Felony
Theft Offenses Defense Attorney
Are you facing accusations of theft in Orange County or surrounding areas? Theft charges can range from petty theft to grand theft auto, and the consequences can be severe, including jail time, fines, and a criminal record.
Contact Jennifer regarding your legal case
- General Keywords: Conversion, Larceny, Misappropriation, Stealing, Theft
- Legal Terms: Defense Attorney, Felony Theft, Indictment, Misdemeanor Theft, Probable Cause
Sexual Battery Defense Attorney
A sexual battery accusation can be incredibly stressful and damaging to your reputation. If you are facing such charges in Orange County or surrounding areas, The Law Offices of Jennifer Le understand the gravity of the situation and are committed to protecting your rights.
Contact Jennifer regarding your legal case
- General Keywords: Coercion, Consent, Fondling, Force, Groping, Inappropriate touching, Perpetrator, Sexual contact, Unwanted touching, Victim
- Legal Terms: Felony Sexual Battery, Indecent Exposure, Lewd Conduct, Misdemeanor Sexual Battery, Molestation, Penal Code 243.4, Rape, Sexual Assault
Statutory Rape Defense Attorney
Being accused of statutory rape in Orange County or surrounding areas can be incredibly stressful and confusing. These charges are serious and can have lasting consequences.
Contact Jennifer regarding your legal case
- General Keywords: Child sexual abuse, Consent, Mandatory reporting, Sex offender registry
- Legal Terms: Age of Consent, Child Molestation, Corruption of a Minor, Romeo and Juliet Laws, Sexual Assault of a Minor, Statutory Rape, Unlawful Sexual Intercourse With a Minor
Sex Crimes Defense Attorney
Being accused of a sex crime is a deeply stressful and frightening experience. These charges can have life-altering consequences, including jail time, hefty fines, and a damaged reputation.
Contact Jennifer regarding your legal case
- General Keywords: Consent, Mandatory reporter, Sex Crimes, Survivor, Trauma, Victim
- Legal Terms: Child Molestation, Child Pornography, Indecent Exposure, Online Solicitation, Prostitution, Rape, Sexting, Sexual Abuse, Sexual Assault, Sexual Exploitation, Statutory Rape
Robbery Defense Attorney
Being accused of robbery in Orange County or surrounding areas can be incredibly stressful. These charges are serious and can lead to significant consequences, including jail time, hefty fines, and a permanent criminal record.
Contact Jennifer regarding your legal case
- General Keywords: Aggravated robbery, Armed robbery, First-degree robbery, Grand theft, Heist, Hold-up, Larceny, Petty theft, Robbery, Second-degree robbery, Stealing, Theft
- Legal Terms: Criminal Defense, Defendant, Fear, Felony, Intent, Misdemeanor, Penalties, Plea Bargain, Property, Sentencing
Rape Defense Attorney
Being accused of rape is a life-altering experience. The legal consequences can be severe, and the social stigma can be devastating.
Contact Jennifer regarding your legal case
- General Keywords: Rape, Sexual abuse, Sexual assault, Sexual violence
- Legal Terms: Consent, Indecent Assault, Penetration, Sexual Assault Forensic Exam (SAFE), Sexual Battery
Prostitution Defense Attorney
An accusation of prostitution can be incredibly stressful and damaging to your reputation. If you’re facing such charges in Orange County or surrounding areas, The Law Offices of Jennifer Le understand the seriousness of the situation and are here to protect your rights.
Contact Jennifer regarding your legal case
- General Keywords: Prostitution, Sex trade, Sex trafficking, Sex work, Solicitation
- Legal Terms: Human Trafficking, Pandering, Pimping, Solicitation
Bank Fraud Defense Attorney
Being accused of bank fraud is a serious matter that can have life-altering consequences. If you’re facing such charges in Orange County or surrounding areas, it’s crucial to secure experienced legal representation immediately.
Contact Jennifer regarding your legal case
- General Keywords: Bank Fraud, Banking fraud, Counterfeiting, Embezzlement, Financial fraud, Forgery, Fraudulent activity, Identity Theft, Misappropriation of funds, Money Laundering
- Legal Terms: Asset Forfeiture, Criminal Charges, Federal Crime, Financial Crime, Fraud Investigation, Restitution, Sentencing Guidelines, White-collar Crime
Assault/Battery Defense Attorney
Being accused of assault or battery in Orange County can be stressful and confusing. These charges can have serious consequences, including jail time, fines, and a permanent criminal record.
Contact Jennifer regarding your legal case
- General Keywords: Aggravated assault, Assault and battery, Assault and battery defense, Assault charges, Assault with a deadly weapon, Battery with a deadly weapon, Domestic Violence, Felony assault, Misdemeanor assault, Simple assault
- Legal Terms: Bodily Injury, Consent, Defense of Others, Great Bodily Injury, Harmful or Offensive Contact, Intentional Act, Reasonable Apprehension of Harm, Self-defense, Serious Bodily Injury
Arson Defense Attorney
Arson is a serious crime with devastating consequences. If you’ve been accused of arson in Orange County or surrounding areas, understanding the charges and seeking experienced legal representation is crucial.
Contact Jennifer regarding your legal case
- General Keywords: Arson, Fire-setting, Intentional fire, Property damage fire, Structure fire, Wildfire arson
- Legal Terms: Aggravated Arson, Arson Charges, Criminal Mischief, Felony Arson, Fire Investigation, First-degree Arson, Misdemeanor Arson, Reckless Burning, Second-degree Arson, Third-degree Arson
Criminal Threats Defense Attorney
Are you facing criminal threat charges in Orange County or a neighboring city? These accusations can be stressful and confusing. At The Law Offices of Jennifer Le, we understand the seriousness of these charges and are dedicated to protecting your rights.
Contact Jennifer regarding your legal case
- General Keywords: Criminal Threats, Death threats, Domestic Violence, Harassment, Intimidation, Making criminal threats, Online threats, Penal Code 422 PC, Restraining order violations, Stalking, Terrorist threats, Threats of violence
- Legal Terms: Credible Threat, Immediate Threat, Intent to Threaten, Reasonable Fear, Specific Threat, Sustained Fear, Unconditional Threat, Unequivocal Threat